Trimax Washing Solution

Whenever you require better quality washed end products. 

Cleaning & Screening Module

Blade Mill

Blade Mills are tough and efficient. They are designed to scour, abrade and breakdown deleterious, water-soluble clays from coarse rock and/or sand. They typically are placed ahead of washing screens to improve screening efficiencies.

Blade Mills should be installed on a slope of 0 to 5 degrees and certain models have a maximum feed size up to 100mm.

Washing Screen

Our washing screens are designed for maximum
efficiency and with minimum maintenance. All washing
screens are fitted with water spray bars and
polyurethane screens.

Sizes are up to 10’ x 24’ (3,000mm x 7,300mm) in single, double, or triple deck arrangements.

Sand Unit Module

Performs the functions of fines removal and dewatering, the Sand Unit Module typically consists of hydrocyclones and a dewatering screen.


Hydrocyclones are used to treat sands to meet
stringent requirements such as grain size, cleanliness,
and consistency

In order to achieve proper performance, hydrocyclones must typically be fed with a pumped slurry at a consistent percentage solids range and at a predetermined pressure.

Dewatering Screen

Available in several sizes, dewatering screens are
designed to produce a consistent drip-free product,
which is typically more than 10 percent drier than that
discharged from a bucket wheel sand washer or fine
material screw washer.

Recovery & Recycling Module

Performs the functions of ultra-fines recovery and water recycling, the Recovery & Recycling Module typically consists of water treatment elements and a filter press.

Water Treatment

Composed of elements such as a thickener tank, flocculent dosing station, fresh water storage tank, fresh water pump.

Filter Press

Our range of filter presses are capable of separating liquid from solids under pressure. The produced cakes are immediately transportable by loaders while the water recovered after squeezing is fully recyclable within the washing plant. 

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